
National Research Symposium

JASVE will hold a national symposium as a forum for the presentation and sharing of research achievements by members each year.

Yearbook and Newsletter

JASVE publishes a quarterly newsletter. In addition, papers chosen by the Selection and Editorial Committee are published in the JASVE Yearbook.

Seminars and Symposiums

JASVE holds seminars on issues and topics relating to ventures, as well as symposiums on current themes associated with ventures.


JASVE presents two Awards, the Tadao Kiyonari’s JASVE Award and the Shuichi Matsuda’s JASVE Award every year. One is awarded to the researchers of excellent papers and books that contribute greatly to advancing venture firms and entrepreneurship research activities. The other is awarded to the practitioners and supporters who achieve the remarkable results to develop the entrepreneurial activities.
In addition to the above-mentioned awards, JASVE has the Referee Award given to the referees for recognizing their contributions.

Committee Activities

The following committees are currently engaged in organized activities within JASVE.

  ・Planning and Management Committee
    (Chairman: Professor M. Fukushima, Tohoku University)
  ・Research Promotion Committee
    (Chairman: Professor J. Yamada, Osaka CIty University)
  ・Editorial Review Committee
    (Chairman: Professor Y. Eshima, Osaka University of Economics)
  ・Industry-Academia Cooperation Committee
    (Chairman: Professor H. Hasegawa, Waseda University)

<Special Committee>
  ・T. Kiyonari Award Selection Committee
    (Chairman: Professor N. Takahashi, Musashi University)
  ・Current Issues Discussing Committee
    (Chairman: Professor N. Hata, Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies)
  ・Entrepreneurship Education Promotion Committee
    (Chairman: Professor S. Igarashi, Kyusyu Universsity)
  ・S.Matsuda Award Selection Committee
    (Chairman: President H. Ikeda, Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies)

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