Transition of Internal Communication Practices to Increase Employees’ Satisfaction in Accordance with the Organizational Development
This article discusses the importance of employees’ internal communication satisfaction (“ICS”) on the organizational development. Internal communication (“IC”), or organizational communication, has not been empirically researched in relation to ICS, organizational communication practices (“Practices”) and organizational development in Japan. This is the originality of this article.
The author proposed a model to manage IC effectively for the successful organizational development in the course of venture growth. The model explains how Practices as well as top management consciousness in communication (“Consciousness”) impact on the employees’ ICS. As previous researches showed ICS impacted on positive factors for growth, such as job satisfaction (“JS”), the model integrates the Consciousness, the Practices, ICS and the factors for growth.
Qualitative researches were conducted through 12 cases of small, medium and large sized venture companies in Japan (theoretical samples), which employee numbers are 30 to 3000 in various industries. Semi-structured interviews with top management and middle managers were conducted, in order to explore the Consciousness and the Practices for successful organizational development. Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (“CSQ”) was utilized as a measurement instrument of ICS, which reliability and validity have been confirmed by various past empirical researches mainly in U.S.A.
As the result, successful venture companies showed high ICS scores owing to various Practices to increase ICS under the initiative of top management. The Consciousness and the Practices impacted on OP (Organizational Perspective), CC (Communication Climate), MQ (Media Quality) and HC (Horizontal Communication). RC (Recruiting Communication), 9th dimension of ICS was also identified in this research. With limitations, the author showed the future research area and practical utilization of IC, which may enhance and affirm organizational development of the venture growth in various stages.